Thursday, June 05, 2008

cisco ccdp review and suggestion

News about cisco ccdp


IEWB-DYN Lab 5 - Layer 2 Highlights

Sun, 17 Feb 2008 13:38:27 +0000
So I did the core section for Lab 5 this morning. The L2 section was quite straight forward - nothing too tricky, and time wise didnt take long to complete at all.
To turn on reliable transport over a PPP link use the ppp reliable-link command
interface Serial1/1
ip address
encapsulation ppp
ppp reliable-link
This is easy enough to ...]

Week 18 Summary + some more multicast info

Mon, 12 May 2008 21:47:22 +0000
The end of Week 18, and the end of IP Multicast! J (well, at least for now):

Week’s Study Time:
Study Hours = 15.5  inc.
Lab Hours = 1.0
Total study time so far:
Total Study Hours = 228  inc.
Total Lab Hours = 18.5
What I have studied this week:
IGMP Snooping
Anycast RP
Multicast Scoping
Recent test scores:
All IP Multicast:

Here are a few hyperlinks that ...]

Call Pickup group

Tue, 22 Aug 2006 05:07:27 +0000
Make sure the call pickup group numbers does not overlap with the exiting dial plan
Call Pickup features include Pickup, GPickup, and OPickup:

•Pickup allows you to answer a call that is ringing on another phone within your “group” (a collection of extensions that your system administrator defines).

•GPickup allows you to answer a call ringing on a ...]

IE Lab 19 - BGPfest ‘08

Sun, 01 Jun 2008 23:37:11 +0000
I almost skipped this lab. The last two level-10 labs I did were actually more demoralizing than anything else. That’s not a shot at IE; I certainly learned things, but I was in way over my head at the time and got my ass handed to me in a way that made me ...]

ccie lab hardware
ccie lab locations
ccie lab notes
ccie lab pdf
