Headlines on ccie practice labs10 things IT needs to know about AJAX 1,258]
Sat, 13 Sep 2008 13:06:06 +0000
Pénteken sikerült leraknom a WAASSE vizsgát (642-651), ezzel közelebb jutottam a Cisco Routing and Switching Solutions Specialist címhez. A vizsga amúgy nagyon könnyű, a PEC-en találtam hozzá tananyagot. Ezek a kis WAAS eszközök okosak, de nem hiszem hogy magyarországon túl sokat lehetne belőlük eladni.
Az oldallal hamarosan változni fog, lehetséges hogy lesz új szerkeztőnk, és új ...]
How to toggle between 12 and 24 hr time format in Unity
Mon, 09 Oct 2006 11:30:26 +0000
Unity Admin > Configuration > Settings
Schedule options: Use 24-hour time format for conversation and schedules
Default: 12-hour format
10 Signs You’re Ready For The Lab
Sun, 17 Aug 2008 20:49:27 +0000
It’s the question on the mind of every CCIE candidate: when am I ready to take the lab? Here are some signs you’re getting close.
You can do EIGRP metric computations. With non-default K-values. In your head.
Your 5 year old knows which piece of practice gear to power cycle when you say “R1″.
You have developed a ...]
Class begins today
Mon, 13 Oct 2008 14:38:24 +0000
Narbik’s bootcamp starts today….I’m excited to be focused on lab prep for a whole week straight! I’ll be writing more about the class as the week progresses. (if my brain is functioning by the end of the day)
Now, time to see how little I really know…
ccie questions
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ccie r&s lab
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