Monday, September 29, 2008

A Featured ccda Article

Current ccda News


Wed, 19 Jul 2006 05:03:52 +0000
When you have a CMC and FAC enabled on a route pattern, you have to enter FAC first, before entering CMC code.
CMC codes do show up on CDR records (unlike FAC)

A Virtual Switch

Fri, 19 Sep 2008 15:05:14 +0000
Last Tuesday (09/09/2008) I was sitting in on a client presentation for an upcoming VMware project. The sales engineer conducting the presentation mentioned 2 virtual switches that could control and secure our running VM images. The 1st virtual switch he talked about was created by VMware and is provided with the ESX and ...]

Frame relay voice adaptive traffic shaping

Sat, 19 Aug 2006 01:55:21 +0000
** You will need to disable frame relay traffic shaping at the main interface level for this to work **
Configure LLQ for voice 
policy-map BR2-HQ
class RTP
priority percent 33
class Sig
bandwidth percent 2
class class-default
Configure Voice activated FRTS:
policy-map VATS  ———–  Line rate is 768kbps, CIR is 384kbps. Use 95 % of CIR for shape average and shape adaptive.
class class-default
shape ...]


The aggregation problem continues, a new angle of shenanigans

Mon, 11 Aug 2008 21:35:13 +0000
My co-worker just finished his 2nd Service Provider lab attempt (results not in yet) and IM’d me:
“if i find the guys who told me sp will be easir after rs, i will f***’em up”
Figured that was as good a way as any to start a post here.
At any rate, my previous post described a problem ...]

Allow caller input - Unity

Tue, 08 Aug 2006 02:37:36 +0000
Under caller input page, lock a key (0 through 9, * #) to a particular action if you want Unity to perform that action as soon as you press that key. The “Allow callers to dial an extension durin greeting” has no effect if the keys are locked. To allow callers to dial an extension ...]

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Another short ccie courses review

Current ccie courses News

second attempt and I still need to do it again

Whew! What an exam!

The proctor is a 5-CCIE holder and have been writing various CCIE lab
exam in the last couple of years.

This round of exam is having the same difficulties as my previous
one. Some trade off happens: there is (supposed to be) no wrong configs
in there. Even with fewer number of total tasks, the solution to be put
up is not a simple tasks (hey, this is CCIE all about doesn't it???)

Some oddities happened:

  • BGP ASN is different between the config and the diagram. The
    proctor admits this is a mistake when the config was loaded -> I got
    extra time for changing the config into the correct one

  • IGP and BGP diagram was mixed up and creating a contradictory
    information amongst them. I informed the proctor that the BGP diagram
    exist in IGP and I though this is a mistake. The proctor was helpful to
    inform me to ignore the wrong one.

  • There is already a routing protocol setup in there, in full working
    configuration. However, there is no guide in the exam paper mentioning
    that this task required a migration from that routing protocol into
    another routing protocol. The newly-configured routing protocol is the
    one that the scenario is 'migrating' into. Lucky enough I pop-up this
    question to the proctor that informed me the scenario is supposed to be
    migrating between one routing protocol to another.

It turned out that I still need to further prepare my next CCIE lab

However, the result is not what I expected it would be. Some domain
areas are given total 0% whilst I strongly believe it was working fine
(I even verified it various times to ensure this is
what the question is after).

Unfortunately, since this is a self-funded CCIE preparation, the next
attempt I could go is after July this year. I have drained the budget
for this semester and the soonest availability of my budget is after

Meanwhile, I am doing all sorts of crazy scenarios for the sake of my
own curiosity. Who knows that those scenarios will be its own workbook
that I could share with the CCIE community.
I still have the habit of being a constructive instructor/teacher
anyway, so I hope my own 'workbook' would teach me gradually to be ready
from 'ground up' to be 'fully-credible' CCIE.

The tradeoff is: this workbook might be the long duration version of
CCIE-to-be. But, whoever uses it will have the choice of fast forwarding
to the level in areas that they need to pick up (just like me!).

This blog will never end, even after I got my multiple CCIE credentials
in the future ;)

When using PIM Sparse in NBMA environment like Frame Relay you need to make sure you enter the ip pim nbma command to disable the split horizon rule that traffic coming into the interface is not going out that same interface.

The IP pim nbma is working only for Sparse Mode Group

Candidate RP need to be able to communicate only with the mapping agent and the Routers in the Domain need to be able to communicate with the Mapping agent so from that we can understand that we need to watch our Route to the Mapping Agent.

Ok I think I will end it here for now, I hope this was good info.

Five ways that a Cisco router initiates a routing request out of an interface

Mon, 22 Sep 2008 06:46:31 +0000
As I’m sure you know, a switch switches and a router routes. Among other things, It routes packets of data and it routes requests. Listed below are five ways that a router will automatically initiate a routing request.
1. The router has been booted or rebooted.
2. A primary IP address was changed. An interface has several ...]

Unity MWI

Tue, 12 Sep 2006 03:46:50 +0000
For MWI to work, the unity ports and MWI on/off numbers should have a CSS that included the phone lines.

Empty Bottle Moments With Chef Clive

Thu, 17 Jul 2008 18:54:53 +0000
I’ll never forget the first time I spoke with award-winning chef Clive Berkman. I called to interview him about an online contest he is hosting for his upcoming book: “Cooking With Clive, Creating ‘Empty Bottle Moments’ With Those You Love.” It was a memorable call because he thought I was someone else.
“Is this you again? ...]

10 Signs You’re Ready For The Lab

Sun, 17 Aug 2008 20:49:27 +0000
It’s the question on the mind of every CCIE candidate:  when am I ready to take the lab?  Here are some signs you’re getting close.

You can do EIGRP metric computations.  With non-default K-values.  In your head.
Your 5 year old knows which piece of practice gear to power cycle when you say “R1″.
You have developed a ...]

How to hide users in Corporate Directory?

Mon, 18 Sep 2006 03:27:24 +0000
1. Create a file by the name hideuser.ldif (can be any name) in Notepad
2. Lets take the example of hiding ac user for Attendant Console. Put the following contents in the file and save it.
dn: cn=ac, ou=users,
3. Go to command line and run the following command.
ldapmodify -h <server name> -p 8404 -D “cn=Directory
Manager,” -w ...]

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