Document for ccie security lab audio boot camp
ccie security lab audio boot camp in the news
MoH Scenarios
Sat, 12 Aug 2006 03:16:49 +0000
A. Unicast G711 everywhere
1. Create region for MoH. G711 with all other regions.
2. Do not enable multicast in audio source, server, MRG
3. Enable only G711 in service parameter (Default)
B. G711 multicast everywhere
1. Create region for MoH. G711 with all other regions.
2. Enable multicast in audio source, server, MRG. Set hop count to 5.
3. Enable ...]
Tue, 06 May 2008 09:52:31 +0000
Sikerült a CCDA vizsga , úgyhogy ünnepeltem is a hétvégén. Ez természetesen nem azt jelenti hogy fejből tudom azt a rengeteg táblázatot ami a CCDA könyvben van, de legalább meg van a pointer ami oda mutat
List of items to configure on all routers/switches
Sun, 16 Jul 2006 21:11:37 +0000
1. Disable ip domain lookup using command “no ip domain-lookup”
2. Disable exec timeout using command “exec-timeout 0 0″ under line vty mode.
style="margin-bottom: 3pt; margin-right: 0pt; margin-top: 0pt;" class="pBullet2CMT">
Congrats to Arden Packeer CCIE # 20716
Wed, 07 May 2008 14:42:01 +0000
Nice Work!
We had put all our efforts to produce some respectable reading matter on ccie security lab audio boot camp. We sure do wish it's respectable enough for you.
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