Friday, June 13, 2008

Another Great ipexpert com Article

Headlines on ipexpert com

r />These are the sub-packages filename schemes:

After process IOS modularity in 6500, we get module/process IOS modularity (sorry, but i couldn't find a better description) in ASR1000. Let's hope we won't meet the still-cannot-get-safe-harbor-pass bugs of the first one.

Matching calling party with Attendant DN

Thu, 20 Jul 2006 01:20:43 +0000
If an Attendant DN is configured on FXO port and this parameter is set to True, then Callmanager will limit outbound calls from that DN to only use the FXO port that is configured with that Attendant DN. You would need to create a route pattern and include this FXO port in the route list. ...]

Week 20 Summary

Tue, 27 May 2008 12:58:55 +0000
Week 20 à “and then there were two….”

Week’s Study Time:
Study Hours = 14.5  inc.
Lab Hours = 0
Total study time so far:
Total Study Hours = 246  inc.
Total Lab Hours = 18.5
What I have studied this week:
PPP Security
Private VLANs
Port Security
DHCP Snooping
IP Source Guard
Storm Control
Protected Ports + Port Blocking
Router Services
Reflexive ACLs
Time Based ACLs
Turbo ACLs
ACL Logging
Port ACLs
TCP Intercept
Reverse Path ...]

ccie r&s
ccie r&s lab
ccie rack
